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Copyright © 2001


The Setup
Initially, the singles are paired up, but have the option of switching partners every three days. And while some can't wait to spend time with another cruise member, others have a hard time moving on! Luckily, they are on camera 24-7, so viewers won't miss a heartbeat of action or deception.

Relationships become more complicated as the singles start to make strong emotional connections. Consequently, trust becomes a major issue and key alliances are formed. Every three days, when the group is divided by gender to vote off members of the opposite sex, tearful pleas and hot tempers emerge. Those who leave are shipped off to "Loser Island" (a.k.a. Aruba), but may be called back into the game.

Will warm breezes, romantic sunsets and eligible singles lead to love, or petty fights and gossip? Love Cruise: The Maiden Voyage proves that love works in mysterious ways, so you never know who the final couple will be. The lucky lovebirds will win a cash prize and a trip around the world!

The Hot Seat
Every other night, players gather on deck for a new twist on truth or dare. First, players individually enter "The Booth" (a lower-deck cabin) and submit one theme-based question for both a female and male player.

Players with the most questions asked of them must take The Hot Seat. If their shipmates think someone isn't answering truthfully they can raise their "BS" paddles, indicating that the Hot Seat player must choose one of the Balls of Shame.

The Balls of Shame are ping-pong balls marked with a number that corresponds to a dare. The Hot Seat player draws a ball and must complete the related dare. The dares were all submitted by players prior to their departure.

Couple Competitions
Beginning in episode two, couples will compete for a chance at voting power. Winners of the competitions - which range from a dance contest to mud wrestling -- are each given an envelope. One envelope contains the coveted Switch Card.

Switch Card The switch card affords a player the power to change the vote of the group during the Elimination Ceremony. For example, you can prevent yourself from being voted out, or "switch" the gender vote to save a buddy or partner. Or, the holder of the switch card can simply go with the majority and not change anything.

Rules Source: FOX.COM (

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