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Season 3 Episode 12 Summary:
"The Whiner Breaks Down In *Way*"
Previously on The Amazing Race:

Teams flew from Singapore to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. They competed in a few boring challenges and a team was eliminated. When Ken/Gerard and Derek/Drew couldn't find the clue box, Flo practically gave Oh Brother 3rd place. Derek/Drew became the 9th team to be eliminated in The Amazing Race.

Our final three teams are:

Teri/Ian- They are the oldest team left in the race but you wouldn't know it with the way Ian acts.

Flo/Zach- They are friends and they're so close that they make cat-dog seem like seperate beings. Zach works extremely hard all the time and Flo just whines and watches. I once knew a girl like that. Her dad wooped her...Oops wrong show, sorry.

Ken/Gerard- They provide any relief that is given to us in this race. Oh and Ken likes glazed donuts.

During the pitstop at Ho Chi Minh City, Ken/Gerard decide there's no better time to chow than now. They must have made most of America hungry too or else more people would have surely watched the show. Flo strokes her hair in a way that seems to indicate she thinks she could be one of those Victoria Secret Models one day. No Flo you don't look any better now than you did before the race. Phil informs us all that this will be a non-elimination leg. Wow, who saw that one coming?

Teri/Ian leave the pitstop first at 5:19. They get their clue which directs them to the Imperial Palace in Hue. To get there, they must travel 400 miles by train. The teams receive $162 for this leg of the race.

Next, we'll learn a little bit about Vietnamese spelling and pronunciations. Somehow they get "way" out of "Hue". Alright I challenge someone to learn to speak and write in Vietnamese. Any takers? Anyways the strange spelling causes an argument between Teri/Ian. Yes, Ian can find a way to argue about anything. I dare Teri to tell him the sky is blue. Teri says they're going to Hue(Pronouncing it as Who) and Ian, being the Vietnamese fan he is, is quick to fix her and pronounce it as "way". Gee Ian, do you always have to try to make yourself look smart? It's a little too late to convince the world you have any intelligence.

Teri thinks 1st place is a good spot to be in. I wonder how much thought it took her to figgure that out. Even Ian could... well maybe not. Anyways off they go. Ian wakes up all of Vietnam with his scary voice. Then he gives us some war talk and that excites us all. They arrive at the Saigon Train Station, but the ticket counter doesn't open until 7:00. That a way to bunch them up CBS. WTG!

Flo/Zach are just now leaving by the time Teri/Ian get to the train station. Zach seems to already foresee that Flo is going to give him trouble. As soon as they get in a taxi, Flo says she wishes they had been eliminated. Wow, could this bring it down to two teams! Zach trys to convince her otherwise and they're only a few minutes into this leg. This can't be a good sign.

Ken/Gerard are the last team to depart. They are in a little bit of a rush. Gerard thinks that being brothers will help them. Not as much as being two guys will probably help though.

Flo/Zach arrive at the train station and Ian does everything in his power to make Flo feel horrified. It was a really good strategy though. First he tells them that it's a 24 hour train ride, which it is. Then he adds in that it's a Vietnamese train which isn't going to make it any better. He forgot to mention the scariest part of all though. He's on it! Zach doesn't care but it hits Flo hard. Ian finds it very funny, but I would too. The only scary thing is his laughing sounds like a chipmunk gone bad. Zach finally makes a smart decision to get away from Ian before he can scare her anymore. Awwww and I think he was about to get to the good part about sitting in rat poop. Shucks!

Flo/Zach check the train time lengths and find out that indeed, Ian was telling the truth. The train ride is going to take out one whole day of thier life. Flo says it would be torture and refuses to do it. She throws a minor little tantrum in the train station and Zach meraculously doesn't slap her silly. Ian says he would never quit and I think he wants us to give him credit for that.

Here's a fun little puzzle...

Who's half the age,
twice as whiny,
and twice as stupid as Ian?

If you guessed Flo, you're right! You've won a free date with Flo that you can enjoy after you finish reading this summary.

Flo threatens to quit again. Wow, could this bring it down to two teams! Wait, did I already say that?

Ken/Gerard get in their taxi and their driver cruises like a maniac. Could it be Osama Bin Laden in their taxi? Has he fleed to Vietnam? Nope it isn't him, but the driver is still a maniac trying to take out half of Vietnam's population.

Flo once again is miserable. She attempts to go to sleep and the Vietnamese gods are out there! Music begins to play and she can't fall asleep. HaHaHa! They move to another room where she eventually falls alseep. We can only get rid of her for a few minutes though.

Ken/Gerard arrive right when the ticket counter opens. Teri/Ian and Ken/Gerard get the last two sleepers. Since Zach was in the other room with Flo he can only manage to get Air-Conditioner seats and that wont help his cause with Flo.

Teams board the train to Hue. Flo's foot is asleep and Zach says that's good. No Zach, it's only good when her body is physically asleep. When just one part is, that means more complaining for us. The teams sleep for most of their train ride. Ken/Gerard and Teri/Ian comment on Vietnam, the war, and the people.. We also get to see the beutiful scenery of Vietnam. Flo takes a different route by complaining about the Vietnamese music.

The three teams eventually arrive at the Hue tain station and search for taxis. Flo/Zach get out quick followed by Ken/Gerard, then Teri/Ian. Time to get out your Nascar Thunder, because we've got racing. Down the backstretch they go and Ken/Gerard make an amazing pass by Flo/Zach. They're coming towards the finish line and Oh Brother wins the race to the Imperial Palace!
Teri/Ian get their second followed closely by Flo/Zach. Flo is chewing her gum so much like a cow that I can't focus on anything else.

The clue at the Imperial Palace is a little hidden but eventually Ken/Gerard get it first. They have to get to the bridge in Nan O Da Nang. It's about 65 miles away. Teri/Ian search for help, but they have no luck in finding it. Finally, Ian gets it and shouts loud enough so the whole world including Flo/Zach can hear him. Now I finally know what that voice was I heard that one day. Teri/Ian run while Flo/Zach walk back. You've gotta wonder how much longer Flo/Zach will last with this kind of attitude from her. Team It's taxi cab tells Zach's where to go which doesn't make Ian a happy camper.

Gerard shows his Vietnamese skills to the taxi driver. Something only him and Ian have. The brothers get to the bridge first and get the detour clue.

Choice 1: Basket Boats- Teams must row across a river to an island on a little circle boat. Each person must row by themselves.

Choice 2: Basket Bikes- Teams must ride bikes carrying tons of Shrimp baskets a mile away and they're a little heavy.

Ken/Gerard ride the bikes. Gerard has alot of trouble with it, so Ken just passes him and goes on without him. Teri/Ian also choose the bikes. Ian, like the good husband he is, leaves Teri,who is having trouble, and goes on by himself. This wasn't supposed to be a roadblock was it?

Flo/Zach choose to do the Basket Boats. Obviously Flo can't do it so she does what any baby would do. Whine. Zach gives her advice to paddle on the left, then right, then left, then right. Flo comprehends this as left, left, left, left sending her boat in a silly spinning motion. She practices her evil look on Zach, pretty frightening if you ask me.

Gerard fixes his broke pedal, then he gets a little help carrying the bike. Ian also gets help from the little kids. Ken sings "He'll be coming around the mountain when he comes, hee haw..."

Down the road, through the trees, around the nice little Vietnamese building, back to Flo we go. She says she wants out of the game when she finds out the island they have to get to is really far away. Wow, could this bring it down to two teams! Hmmm de ja vu. Zach agrees to go back. If I were him, I would have left Flo and made her go back by herself.

Meanwhile gerard makes it to the end and the brothers get their next clue. They must travel 20 miles to the Boat Quay in Hoi An. In the background we see the kids storming Gerald for money like pideons and bread. The teams have to find a dock and take a sampan to the middle of the Tubon River. Ken/Gerard head back to the start and head to their next destination.

In the mean time, Flo walks away from Zach and says she has officially quit, or not. First Zach convinces her to try the other choice. Teri/Ian are just now finishing. Ian passes out the dough to the little kids and some of these kids are so selfish that it appears some don't get anything. Back to Flo/Zach and we find out that Flo can't even lift the bike. Come on, even Teri could lift it, and she's weak and old. How weak can Flo possible be? Zach has no trouble at all and as soon as he lets go, the bike goes ca pling to the ground on Flo. She says it's an impossibility. For those who don't put forth effort into it might be an impossibility. Zach finally decides they can't do it. Flo tosses in the towel, or maybe it was a helmet. She claims this is it and she quits. Wow could this bring it down to two teams! Arrrgggghhhh Flo!

Zach says he doesn't know how he remains stable with Flo. Now that's an impossibility. Anyways he finds a guy to paddle poor Flo across the river. Poor guy. They get the clue and head toward Hoi An.

On the way to Hoi An, Teri/Ian pass Ken/Gerard. Even worse, Oh Brother gets ANOTHER flat tie. What have they done to the Vietnamese gods to get their second flat in the race. Teri/Ian get to the Boat Quay first and get their roadblock clue. One person must raise a fishing net from the water with the nice Vietnamese fishing equipment, then the other person grabs the clue. Ian does it fairly quickly. The next clue tells them to travel 15 miles to China Beach, the next pit stop.

Ken/Gerard complete the roadblock second. Ken decides to do it. Now Teri/Ian and the brothers are off to a race to the pit stop. On the way Ian trys to make up for all his mean behavior toward Teri with one line. Not enough for me. We get to hear Ian use his favorite line. I'm not even going to say but just pretend I am. Poor Phil. To make the episode just perfect, Ian yells at Teri again telling her to slow down and not beat him to the mat. Teri/Ian will get a chance to meet the Guidos, because they've won a cruise to Alaska.

Ken/Gerard arrive a few minutes later and finish second. Flo says she's peaceful when they get on the boat but unfortunately she's only on there for a few minutes. Take a wild guess at who does the roadblock. It's Zacheroo! Flo/Zach come in last. Fortunately for them this leg was just to prepare for the last and final leg of The Amazing Race. Flo says she wont threaten to quit again, I rewinded my tape and indeed she said it. So prepare to see pigs fly!

So will it come true? Will Flo not threaten to quit again? Who will win and do we even care? Find out on Bebo's spectacular Finale Summary of The Amazing Race.

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