Season 2 Episode 3 Summary: "Footloose, yet neither Fancy nor Free"
Disclaimer: In my brain the members of each of Doublemint and Chex have fused into one person. Cannot distinguish them. Re: ChaCha the non-Oswald one may as well be invisible. Note the Nickname: SYBIL (Syblings-In-Lust)
Ep 3 begins with the usual recaps and Team Intro montage. We see refresher clips of GG2 taking a dump in her depends as she anticipates the hand-gliding.. obviously, fear IS a factor for her. Doublemint and the Dorks compete against locals for the FF on the V-ball court and the no-brainer result is a mixed-doubles win for Doublemint. Next we see some lame clips and skip to the GGs squeaking into 3rd last, SYBIL (Syblings-In-Lust) barely catching second last and No Hope.. eliminated but remaining hopelessly devoted to one another.
Oooh.. intrigue... Pill's voice-over asks whether Sybil will stay in the game and whether the Wilma-Chex alliance will dissolve? Pill starts yammering about the teams staying at a remote jungle camp near Iguacu falls.. bonding, eating, canoodling, whining, praying.
First to be released from the scary jungle camp are Doublemint at 10:34 p.m. No mention of a fast forward option as they state the need to make their way from Brazil to Capetown, South Africa via San Paolo. Teams have $150, not including airfare for this leg of the journey. Doublemint seems to have recovered from injuries incurred last episode.. likely the result of the god squad pouring holy water on them. Doublemint is overjoyed at the prospect of visiting their pop's homeland. Next to depart at 10:47 are Chex and Wilma. Chex rambles on about how he perceives Wilma to be their biggest threat and they will be ditching them at the earliest opportunity or once Wil realizes that a Chex wants to take his ex back to the camp for some jungle love.
Fourth to depart is Peachy at 12:14 followed by the Dorks who 'need to hustle' at 12:17. Glad to see they've put off being dumbasses and realized it's a RACE... only took 2 prior episodes for that brainwave. Sixth to go is the God Squad taking it to the streets at 12:22am and emphasizing that their integrity, morals, cooperation and word will not be compromised. ChaCha leaves at 1:14 facing fierce competition and armed with a unique strategy to 'get there before everyone else' so they'll have extra time to play tonsil hockey. Drama unfolds as the GGs have slept through their departure time... will Sybil wake them up.. not bloody likely.. he returns to his tent for an icky quickie with his teammate. The gutsy grannies get their gitch, dentures and depends on by 3:17 leaving 37 mins late. They are followed by Sybil departing at 3:35. Paige expresses that she's 'totally pumped' .
Alas, the airport clvsterfuck (source: shakes the clown] is upon us. Most stop in London en route to Capetown, S. Africa some are connected through, others stuck on standby. All nine teams make it on two planes to San Paolo.
Doublemint- lined up for a connection through London God Squad - on to London then have a standby ticket
Peachy - P starts having a meltdown on account of long overdue pampering and her need for a pedicure. M gives her some tough love and a b*tchslap and they get routed through Milan & London
The Dorks fail to enjoy the 'dysfunctional' airport situation and get routed via Lisbon and London
ChaCha charms the airline ticket ladies with their calmness. The clerks pick up on their gayness and only help them get as far as London.
The GGs seem to have confused Capetown with Capeside as their next flight is to New York in search of Dawson and Pacey. Once they realize this error they also go via London and Johannesburg.
Wilma and Chex's alliance has reached the bitter end. Wilma admits to having stuck his head in the ground for lack of a flight connection... this should give Chex and Tara a chance to join the mile high club. When leaving Wilma, a Chex leans in for a smooch from Tara but is rebuffed. He does not allow this to stop his quest for some action and focuses his energy on the 'hot girls'. For some bizarre reason Wilma is sent on a connecting flight via London a la Doublemint.
Next we see Sybil in London unable to grasp the concept of a 'standby ticket'. They attempt to board a flight and are brought up to speed on the whole standby thing meaning you're supposed to stand by and see if there's room after others have boarded. Perhaps the 'Sybil phenomenon' is in their genes leading them to have a depleted brain cell supply.
At the London-Heathrow Airport Doublemint awaits their connecting flight while God Squad scrambles to find a flight to Capetown. Chex is stranded in Frankfurt while former alliance member Wilma is now in Capetown. Also in Capetown are the Dorks and ChaCha (wonder why Doublemint didn't beat em since they were the first to have a connecting flight). Teams must take a ferry 7.5 miles to the prison cell where Nelson Mandela was held captive for 18 years. To kick things up a notch (for Tara) Wil asks the taxi driver to whip things out from 'his bag of tricks' in hope of winning his ex back with a cozy cabbie threesome. The Dorks just 'miss the boat' (a foreign concept to them I'm sure). Doublemint also narrowly misses their ferry.
At the Mandela Cell.. Wilma is the first to arrive. Wil is pleased to be 'paying some respect' to another human being on the face of the earth for a change. ChaCha is next to stick his hand in the box (also a foreign concept?). Teams must make their way to Kalk Bay Harbor (back by ferry) where they will collect the 'Detour'. On the way back, Wilma decides to form Alliance #2 with ChaCha.. will this one last? or perhaps Wilma will accuse ChaCha of cheating.
At the ferry dock we see Peachy trying to cut the line and riding with Doublemint to the Prison. Once there, Doublemint laments about his desire to sleep in the cell with his brother to immerse himself fully in the experience. We flash to GGs in one of many airports unsuccessfully attempting to bypass security and missing their flight. Later they plan to miss a few boats and suck back a case of ensure in the hope of staying in the race. Soon two boats pass in the day with Doublemint and Peach incoming and Sybil outgoing to the prison.
Footloose yet neither fancy nor free.. Detour involves Dance or Deliver Dance: sing and dance for tips in proper attire with the troops and busk for the equivalent of $2.50 US Deliver: deliver 125kg/275lbs of fish to the fish monger
Wilma goes first, Tara dances up a storm in her token peasant shirt and the bright orange one piece with the top portion tied around her waist.. fittin' in and keepin' to the beat.. cut to Wilma slapping himself, looking uncoordinated and just plain nasty. Eventually Tara gets money from the locals who just want her to take Wil away from there. ChaCha decides to dance as that beats stinking up from fish. He claims that the dancing was like 'doing the Irish Riverdance on crack' .. hmm note to self - need not to try that one. Up next the Dorks put on their 'South African dominatrix shoes' and get jiggy with it.
Thirsty??? Next, teams are given the task of making their way to the Paradise Hair Salon in the Langa township. A hint to Gary perhaps? The next clue is a roadblock. Teams must decide who has a 'strong sense of direction and a strong stomach'. Once decided they open the clue and must embark on a scavenger hunt. Wilma and ChaCha head out to locate some epson salts, a "smiley" (roasted sheeps head, duh) and a local healer guy to mix it up and serve them a nice beverage (local liquid remedy).
Chacha makes a new unemployed friend who decides to guide him. ChaCha and Wil drink up and we cut to Gary who wants PETA to come and close down this joint. Gary eventually sucks it up when he sucks back the clorox bleach and mouthwash mixer. Reunited with their partners we see Tara jump Wilma... this uncommon display of affection prompts the producers to cut to a clip of Wilma waxing on about Tara, their getting along, his wacked and weird love for her, them being ying and yang, or just annoying and dysfunctional. Teams must now get to some resort place next to check in to the pitstop near a vineyard.
Others are arriving, Peachy dances, Doublemint starts fishing gives up and dances. They describe the scene: 'we felt like twin urkels out there'. Yah, looked like that too as they, unlike trendy Tara, attempted to wear the top portion of the brightly colored one-piece work jumpsuits around their 6'5" shoulders. Sybil also dances. Next we see Peachy on route to the township being spooked by the locals and having their bus break down. Peachy fears that they will die in the township but after some hmmmming and haa-ing and another b*tchslap from big sis they go on.
Pitstop: first to check in is ChaCha, although not offered their preferred beverage of champagne they enjoy some wine and are likely subjected to some more whine from Wilma. Wilma arrives second, Wil decides to give being whiney a break in pursuit of a higher goal of grabbing Tara's heiney. She's myphed and drop-kicks him to the check-in mat (unfortunately, not really).
Back in the township of doom Mary gathers ingredients while Peachy gives away sunglasses to kids and gets all misty. We see that Chex has formed a loose alliance with the God Squad. The Squad concludes that Chex are wannabe guido backstabbers and they will watch their back. After Chex helps the God Squad meet their fish quota they both head on. Doublemint and guy Sybil finish drinking the nasty brew and tie for 5th check-in behind Peachy.
The grannies are nowhere to be found. Chex is 7th, God Squad arrives huffin', puffin' and after a little within-team b*tchin' to claim 8th place. We all know what that means... GGs are still in some airport (London) following their visit to the Big Apple. Other members speak fondly of them as they are sweet, pushed themselves and they envy their granchldren. Arriving a day late the Gutsy Grannies are eliminated. They are glad they participated as 'it's a big hoot, it's just fun'.
Previews of next week include taxi races, stalled suvs in the desert, fighting for the last plane ticket out of capetown and accusations of cheating. Wilma's rocky relationship is put to the test as someone (e.g. Tara) tries to get busy with another team member. Peach take a cue from Aimee and starts hurling in the desert. Matterhorn sand dunes... slide down or be gone?
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